- I washed and my mother dried my $10 blue tooth headset, so it was collaborative effort and it has charged and connected to my phone. (I haven't actually needed to make any calls with it yet... hmm anyone up for a test call?)
- We did a loose change drive at school and raised $409.60 for AstralMedia's National Caring for Kids day! Then we took it all down to the radio station and got to have a tour, If we end up on the news it will be playing tonight (April 30th) 7pm. After the hockey game as Steve said.
- My laundry is washed and folded and put away, only three baskets full. I ruined to white tank tops (I had a foreboding about it.. Bad Darci) Stupid random red thing.
- I finally got a hair cut. Now I am just adjusting to the fringe like bangs and wacky waves the layers threw my hair into.
- Grr... Cat Fight outside...
I don't have a shot gun or slingshot handy.I am ignoring them. - I am learning about managing Energy, and I need a power nap in the afternoons, expect that I have a hard time keeping it to 40 mins.
- I am in the middle of a Partylite Book Show for Gwen and their adoption!!
- We started a new bible study (just finished Beth Moore's Revelation) Called the Psalms of Ascent, I can't wait to see the cool things we learn and how deep we will go with God.
- My computer has split personalities... and will be under going surgery soon. Pray for my stress levels.
- Awesome photos of the volcano
- Last count I had about 5/6 books on the go, 1 novel, 1 history, 1 misc, and the others educational. I found an awesome poem but now I can't figure out which book it was in.