Tuesday, February 8

3 Year Mark

I wrote this three years ago. Sadly it hold true again today.
 I'm in BC and he's on a bus to the East Coast with an offer of a job. Do I know what the future holds? No, but I love him dearly, and hurts like hell to have the other half of my heart so far away.

So Broken..

Watching the pieces of my heart fall to

the floor and smash into little shards.

Why did you? Why did I?

Shocked, frozen, melting down.

Numbness spreading. Anger trying to take over.

Realizing nope.

That's only hurt. Not burying it.. Let it happen.

Must Grow, or wilt.

Not going backwards this time or ever again.

Fighting for what I want.

Believing my God is bigger then my fears.

Plan B?

Whoops out the window.

Wasn't right anyways.

Hanging by the threads called family.

I will Survive.

But I want you by my side.

Now and forever.

Please return my love to me.

Safe and sound in your perfect timing.


Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for you Darci. You deserve better than this, truly.

Mrs. Wilson said...

I'm sorry Darci. :( I know God will keep you close to Him.

kozimom said...

Oh, Darci. I'm sorry. ((hugs))

Lollie said...

How did I miss this post? I usually get all your posts!
I am so sorry Darci. This feels so unfair. I know that God is bigger than all of this and I'm praying for you! I love you!

Gary Pryzner said...

I sincerely believe that this type of pain is longer lasting than any death or divorce. May the Father carry you through for His purposes.