Saturday, January 30


So I announced my desire to dread my head. It went over like a lead balloon. Go figure, I have old fashioned parents.   I enjoy my hair for the most part.. I have wanted dreads for a long time now. Every time I bring it up someone has a good argument against them so I put it off.  I really really want to do it. But I don't know who I can get to help me. I am thinking that I want to do dreaded braids, which are really tiny. Or maybe just really tiny  dreads (the size of my pinky) Or maybe I should just chop it all off. Make everyone happy.


Rudee said...

I think you should do what makes you happy.

Lynnie Ha said...

i could totally help you!!! i've always wanted to dread someone elses' hair.... its hard to do on your own head, lol :) message me on fb if you want. :)


HollyElise said...

to quote Nike...
Just do it! i think it'd look great.

Bonnie said...

Well considering the hair styles your siblings have had I don't think dreads are really all that different. As for your are old enough to make your own decisions about something as simple as your hair. So if you want to do it just do it :) I am soo not helping! Because 1. I suck at it and 2. well....ya i just suck at it.