Tuesday, July 31
Sunday, July 29
Partylite free stuff
So it's going to be just like Christmas when it all comes in. I am hosting another show on Sept 15th because so many ppl didn't show. Well lets just put it this way. I had two ladies show up. Gee THANKS.. I made all this dessert and everything.
Maybe i'm be having a house warming first
NEways.. Stephanie we have a date to go to the peeing tree! Msg me, and as soon as your dad gives me the day
Last night I woke my husband out of dead sleep. I was yelling in my sleep, supposedly freaking out mad. He didn't do anything because he didn't want the wrath directed at him.. It was really odd because I don't remember dreaming anything right after falling asleep, and I wasn't mad about anything. All though I did have a weird dream this morning about an ex that is now married, and we still liked each other. But had chosen diff ppl and to bad so sad for us. It was quite disturbing because I wake up next to my dear husband who I love dearly. Thinking about this ex who I haven't talked to in a good 5 yrs or so.. We've both moved on but my brain was on some werid crack last night. Neways.. Today I'm doing a smoothie only day, kinda fasting so my body can have a break and flush out a little. Just because every time I eat I get bloated. I'm thinking of taking the husband to the hot tub and me for to work out then soak..
I'm going to rent Beautician & the beast with Fran Descher (sp?) I have this craving to watch it :)
Well I'm out for now.
Thursday, July 26
Well 2:30 and I've finished all the tasks I can think of and some brand new ones. So I took photos of my room last night but didn't get a chance to post them.
I am going to look for moulding for my window and some blinds or curtains. There has been too many times when I am changing and look out the window and realize I'm in full veiw of the family.. AUGH..
Today is one year since Corbett and I started couting(dating) and approx 5 months married!! Thats what happens when you know each for four years, and like each other from the start :)
I bought some cute and lacey for a surprise yesterday, but didn't even remember till last night that it was our 1 yr.
So I think he has something up his sleeve cause he drove me to work and then took the car.
Last night I didn't get the screen in the window properly and it fell out, resulting in both of us being eaten alive by bugs..I miss no bugs in
I have a new dress for Saturday and the weddings!! it's White and linen, Ankle length.. With two diff necklaces to choose from.
Next week I might get to take level 2 first aid. I am excited about that. it's something diff. Plus I will get saturday off. Woot! Then on monday I will have so much paper work to catch up on. eww. but no boredom at least. Sounds like I have a new job to learn. So I'm off to get busy. Oh yeah Must check out this blog. Very entertaining.
Tuesday, July 24
Tuesday's Girl
Monday, July 23
Saturday, July 21
New Job
I started on Monday, I've been learning the ropes. New computer system, new phones :) Learning how to make appt, extract info from the mechanics on repairs. I've been told i'm too quiet in my corner, my corner is definitly not quiet though, with mechanics, phones, and office ppl running around. Our phone girl seems to be always phone. Only 22 mins left today.. Yesterday I spent my first day off, painting my walls Jet Set gray. Next color is Pic Nic green, and then blue for the bathroom.
A few days later :) well one week down! Walls are JetSet and PicNic Green!
Thursday, July 5
Partylite Show

Jen Paquette is coming to Terrace
and hosting a show at my house :)
July 15th 2007 @ 7:30

if you want one leave a comment.
Check out her party site.