So some randomness for you. I am including a picture of Terrace weather compared to Victoria! Sorry poor Terraceites.
Snowy car from my yard in Terrace from last Thursday!
Castle was my hot date location on Friday in Vic!!!
Sooo I will miss this weather, but I am so anxious to come home, if I could pack and run away tomorrow I would be home. But I was sick for March.. Yes I'm allergic to marriage, erm I mean the basement suite, I mean.. *sorry hun, I really do love you* (he never reads this or else I would get owned at something :D)
Well it's 11:45 Husband went to bed an hour ago.. and I was IMing Bonnie (my one commenter!) oh and I left footprints on others blogs hoping to let them know I AM ALIVE and bloggin!!! neways.. umm yeah can't remember anything else interesting I wanted to say. CEPT OH YEAH! I AM COMING HOME< style="color: rgb(204, 102, 204);" size="4">
SPY GIRLS, CHECK YOUR EMAILS FOR A SECRET MISSION! *stay tuned to find out details that transpire :D
Ooooh, fantastic, I haven't been to Victoria in the spring for ages. RR looks lovely!
Darci!! I am so happy to see that you're actually blogging! I have to get back to work but I shall read more later :) Can't wait to have you home!
Darci your the best...haha love your spy girls..too good. btw our turn is coming with all the sUnshine and flowers and melted snow and spring dress'...yea we are jealous.
Hey I am so glad you are coming home! This will be a summer to remember and your wedding will be the highlight. Love ya
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