Friday, January 9

Happy Birthday Husband

Today Mr.Shiny turns 27!

 When he came home from work (being after midnight) he was allowed to open his gifts.  I bought Mens face scrub from Body Shop, a photo album, dark Lindors, a calligraphy marker (when he opened the album he thought it was going to be a book. (oops)  So I think I may have to find him a nifty and unique writing book. I also bought a book for both of us to use. It's called the Dimwit's dictionary and it's very amusing and entertaining.
  I made a cake, by request,  it's Chocolate Fudge/Cherry/Brownie. But no eating that until after dinner, which won't comprise of perogies because I couldn't find them or anyone to ask about them. (I search the frozen foods at least 3 times)

Sadly I have to work both Saturday and Sunday but the good news is the birthday boy gets to relax, so that ties in the day of silence, which was on his birthday request list. (Among a Wii and Mac computer)

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