Thursday, January 1

Cleaning & baking

I started this new year off with some cleaning, after sleeping until mid afternoon.
I decided to vacuum the entire place. Which lead to my dismay finding out the futon was covered in mildew, possibly mold.. (It was under our mattress)
So it's now residing on the fence outside. Our bedroom looks like this:
 Our Mattress is now in the living room, and I'm waiting for someone's W.O.W. account to expire, so he will do the dishes and then watch a movie with me.

After my cleaning was finished, I was inspired to make Orginal Chipit Cookies, but I realized I had no eggs. So I went to and found this interesting recipe
Butternut Balls

Love messages on Butternut Balls..... Decorated with Mint Chocolate Chips!

1 comment:

Smellyann said...

The cookies look great, good job! Did he like them after WOW? LOL