Friday, April 18


So today the spotlight is on Miss J!

She is the baby of the family and turning 6 at the end of next month.

She is way too smart for her own good, a little charmer.

She is starting school, and loves to go to Cubbies and help. (she is too old to participate this year) She loves being an auntie. When she was about year and half I put her in the baby backpack and painted the upstairs bathroom, while my parents where on a cruise.

We also used to strap on this pack and then hop on the motorcycle.. My mom used to complain that she would be addicted to riding!

We traveled together to Ottawa when she was bout 2, she loved to wave at everyone we passed. I think between her and Abe they will rule the world together :)

She knows how to work any situation to the best for her.

Or get out of trouble fast!

She is a delight to play, loves to tidy up. She has taken to making my bed, it's such a lovely surprise to come home :)

This is a photo from spy day.

PS: Everyone can take part in the blog giveaways. Just click on the little picture on the right side for guidelines.


Gwen said...

Beautiful pictures! This will really help me figure out how to mentally organize your siblings!

Christy said...

I cannot believe she is going to be 6!!! So cute!

How did you put that honor roll thing on the sidebar? ANd does it update when people update??

joni said...

nice Darci.. beauty she is..

i love that you are doing this.. its very special.

Bonnie said...

Aww, cute little munchkin! I can't believe shes almost 6!