Monday, June 30

Be back later.

I'm at camp right now. I probably can't post. So this is to let you know i'm going on a bloggy vacation, but I will be back with lots of photos!

Sunday, June 29


Camp is good, 14 mins before bed and I'm dead tired. I slept so much yesterday. We arrived at 5:30 am, Chris
drove the entire way.
 I went to breakfast, and then slept from 10 am to 4pm then we stayed up till 12:30 playing and winning capture the flag.
I got to be a sniper in mission impossible. As a result I'm extremely sore. With not a lot of energy to move.
 Tonight is the beginning of Reach Out and I have two campers, Kari and Deshanna, one has not confirmed to have accepted the Lord yet.
The weather is amazing here, and they have so many fun outdoorsy things to do.
I'm hoping to climb the wall, do archery, rilfery, kayaking, canoing. Among other things. Which I shall list later
because I have nine mins till lights out and need to get my girls in bed, and brush my teeth.
Pictures to come when I convince Chris to let me use his laptop.
 PS I went 24 hours without internet/facebook/blog/cellphone!

Child Number 6

Meleah Dawn...

 My mom picked out her name, when she was pregnant with her third. She had to wait till number six, to finally use it.

 She is born in November, the 3rd girl in the family. She is turning 17 this year!

She has her motorcycle learners license. So if I ever get a bike insured I am taking her out riding!

Meleah is the most like me. We have similar body shapes, and she has my blond hair (before I started changing the colors) We both love to read, and can be quite snobby.

We both have glasses. (from reading in the dark) She is definitely more sporty then me though (she is playing soccer this year), and used to hate having a clean room. Which drove me crazy, because I like neat and tidy.

 She is very musical and plays the guitar really well. We took voice lessons together growing up, really she didn't need the help. I did. On father's day she sang a beautiful song in church and for my wedding reception she sang our song, both accapella and she always hits every note perfectly.

We all love to dress up and here is her and Ezra :)

Meleah has a few close girlfriends, and i'm happy to say they are all good friends. They all go to the same church and school, none of them are boy crazy maniacs.

She is a Venturer this year and has been in scouts for quite a while now, they went to Quebec last year and she has done quite a bit with them. She loves camping and doing leadership things at the younger camps.

This is her and her friend who is a boy. (they both like each other, but dad said they are too young to date)

 She is 16 this year. I think back to how much boy trouble I was in at that age, and she is doing good!


We have a few of the same friends, which is cool. Because they are a great influence on her!

When Meleah was born I was so excited because I would finally have a sister who let me do her hair. But do you think she actually would. Nope.

  I remember when she was about 7 or 8 months old, I had her on my mom's bed and she hated hats with a passion, and I put one on her and screamed bloody murder. My mother was yells from the kitchen Darci what are you doing? Just videoing Meleah throwing a fit about wearing a hat :D

 We both share a love of the color orange. When we shared a room, I wanted to paint the slanted wall in our room so I let her pick out the color, which was creamsicle orange, and that is where my love it started. I ended up using Orange as my wedding color :)

 We also share a love of country music, which would be my fault :)

Well that's all I can think of for now.

Saturday, June 28

Number 7

Ezra David, the sibling who shares an August birthday with me.

Last night they dyed his head to look like a rainbow patchwork quilt.

He has many fun dye jobs over the years, for wacky hair day at school.

He very adorable growing up and always the life of the party and made everyone laugh.

He has quite the cute little giggle now.

We always give him a hard time because he likes to walk into conversations half way and say "what? Huh? What's going on?" When you try to explain it to him, he is totally lost and you waste more time trying. It's better to say, "Never mind."

 Isn't he adorable?

He has always excelled academically and loved school, he is very smart and is always way ahead in his work. We tease him about the simple things always confounding him.

I remember once when I was cleaning and he was supposed to be helping me, I asked him to go get some elbow grease, please. He went looking and then came back to ask "Where do I find the elbow grease?" I cracked up and finally took pity on him and explained that I meant we needed to just work a little harder and whatever we where cleaning would get clean.

He has one best friend and they've been inseparable for a few years now, spending days on end with each other.

The other day I mentioned something about girls and I got the typical 14 yr old's response: Eww Girls.. In his mind they still have cooties, and are not a object of interest.

 Ezra is in the blue and brown striped shirt.

Ezra has taken up baking this past year and makes the best cookies ever! He makes Better then oreos and many other kinds. Remembrance Day I made cookies for the guys at work, and I did 6 times too much butter, and it was awful, trying to add more and more flour. After that I told Ezra I was resigning from the cookie making, and letting him take over.

One more, just to show you how much of a goof he is!

Friday, June 27

Happy Birthday Little Sister

Today my second sibling is 24.

 She is one of the best sisters ever, and an amazing mother. I've watched her be patient and gentle and love her husband. She is an amazing example to me.  We used to be the worst of enemies and the best of friends.

We used to stay up all night talking, and drive my parents insane. Two year, two inches apart growing up. But we have been asked if we are twins so many times.

 She maybe younger, but she is taller! 

God Bless and Happy Birthday Sis

I love you

Wednesday, June 25


So I'm packed mostly. But no word from Carl.. He's not at home, not texting me back.

The weather is dry, with high clouds. This is not fun.

I was totally excited to go hiking.

In other news, I am going to the Sagitawa bible camp. Which reminds me, I should call them.

So I will be back in 10 days or so.

Grrr.. He better call. This is getting more lame.

No news. Stupid boy.
Anytime you want to go Joni just give me a call
I called the camp, and I'm leaving Friday evening.

Updated again: at 11:30 I got a text msg. He was sick (but why couldn't he tell me that earlier)
This morning I found a facebook msg from 12:20, saying he slept until 8pm.. blah blah. But no apology. Geezs. What's up with that?

Tuesday, June 24

No Sleep

I was so tired last night I skipped prayer meeting. Read a book my dad gave me for a 30 mins, and tucked myself in at 8ish. Then my brother wanted to borrow my car, and another brother wanted to use the computer. My dad decided to come check out the bathroom. Then my mom called, oh by the way I am picking up your sister from soccer. I tossed and turned until like 10ish. Then I read some more of Agatha Christies Bio. Finally at 11:30ish I gave trying to sleep. So I watched 3 ep of Alias. Finally at 2:10 I was starting to get tired, and went up to bed. But the rain was pouring down and it inspired me with a line of a poem. "Like rain on the roof your arms are safe, familiar and comforting."
So I wrote it all down, and then tossed and turned and I swear I looked at the alarm every hour until 6am... Boo. I finally slept and woke up at 10am.
So much for getting a good night's sleep and getting lots done today.
I have applied to work a bible camp next week. I filled out the forms for the criminal record check. Emailed off a few character request forms for people to fill out for me.

The only downside is that I wanted to be cabin counselor and the form is for Laundry/Cooking assistant. :S
Plus I would miss camping this weekend (I would leave friday) if Carl can actually go.

I've been quite bored this week, now that my room is cleaned up and I didn't have a party last night. I feel at lost at what to do next. Although I have a list
  • Sew Curtain
  • Paint the last part of Bathroom
  • Review first chapter and take test

But I need to log some hours in the office and organize the filing cabinet.
So I'm off to get some work done.

Oh if the weather permits, I might have convinced Carl to hike Maroon Mountain with me!

Sunday, June 22

No show :S

Why do I even bother to host things. People never come. It's 3:25 pm. My own sisters aren't here or have copped out. Maybe it's just Sunday afternoon. This is my second Sunday event to have flopped. Two friends are sick. Another is cooking chicken. Boo... So I sit here and write a sad post. So much confusion in my brain.
Oh well.
I think I shall send some people flowers on face book. Then I'm calling the one friend who doesn't stand me up. Off to pack up my candles for tomorrow night :)

EDIT: The friend who got directions brought her little girls over and we had a great visit. It has been about 6 yrs since we seen each other last.

Saturday, June 21

Last night I had all intentions of ending up at Chris's Birthday party (Sorry Chris)

But then I started talking to a friend on FB and he wanted to go out to X2 where some friends are going to camp. So I thought hey, that sounds like fun. Then Joe talked to Carl, and we convinced him to take his truck. Save my car the bumpy road.(the guys I drove out there with, and Jess who was supposed to come.. but haden't shown up yet :S)
The goofball who organized it :)

Departure time was bumped up to 7 pm. (I wanted 8:30)

I took Ezra to Save on, and we grabbed him snacks and me, water. So I met the guys and Erin at Boston Pizza, and we headed out.X2 Waterfall from last year

We beat the boys (who are camping) out there. It's a beautiful site, and I had never been there before. Carl and I scouted the water for wood and then reported back to Joe and Erin and they went and dragged it all back! (we decided to be the brains, and let them be the brawn) Joe kept wanting to go to town for his camping gear, but he finally gave up and just enjoyed himself. It was nice to hang out with a lot of people from the past. The bugs were so bad. I only did get one bite though on my leg, which I found in the shower this morning.(ITCHY)

The friend who still was MIA at midnight when we left

And the life of the party :)

Then we went to the northern because Carl had a ticket for the a Jazz band which was pretty good. Not my kind of dancing music though. I met two girls who have known Carl for years, and they were entertaining :) The night ended really late, and then my dad woke me up this morning at 8:50am Darci I just heard you are more available.. So come to prayer meeting in 40 min.. Me: grumble grumble. I'll come next week dad.. (in my head I'm think... I want to sleep..) Oh yes, and my dad said he will pay to organize his seminar that he is putting together. Woot for answered prayers on how to pay the bills. Plus I am doing his payroll and paying bills for the company.

I rolled out of bed and had a quick shower, then realizing (b/c I'm house sitting) I have two clean shirts and undies, but no clean pants. So smokiness it was. But when I got there another lady had come in from camping! so I didn't feel to bad about flavor I was adding.

So now I am once again avoiding De junking my room. I did find a great pair of pants my mom pulled aside. Woot for being a little smaller then a size 29.

now back to work, Bonnie just checked up on me. and I'm not cleaning, but I'm adding linkys and pictures because she gets bored easily likes photos :D

Tonight is up in the air, a few choices- Northern for the jazz again, X2 to see the guys again.. don't know. Whatever is I'm happy just to have friends to hang with.

Thursday, June 19

Farewell Ford

I had a weird feeling this might happen after I got the message last Thursday. I managed to put it off a whole week. Oops. My boss said that there just is not enough work right now, so the are giving me a separation slip. So I am wondering if I can get EI, but I am working for my dad's company so would it even be worth it.
Blah.. I think the real reason it didn't work out is because I pissed someone off one too many times. I really don't care who it was. I guess I'm mostly glad I don't have to get up at 6 am, and my weekends are free now. Hrmp. I went to talk to Marc and ended up in tears, so much stupid stuff happening lately. I will be getting all my holiday pay which will make up for all the hours I've missed. The part I am most upset about is losing my coverage. The Medical & Dental was amazing. If I get desperate I know I could get a job sell Telus mobile phones. Bleh, I really don't want to work for someone else.

On a happier note, Happy Birthday Miss Trish!

I am going sun tanning and then to the lake for her birthday party later, and maybe going to organzing something tonight. Focus tomorrow and saturday for sure on getting something done in my room. I am so ready to hire someone to do it for me.

And I leave you with a picture of the heart melting pout that my niece has learned to do.She is 7.5 months now :)

Wednesday, June 18

the last few days.

I caught something while I was camping.. It started Sunday morning with achy shoulders and general tiredness, turned into sicky feeling on Monday, I did a few home remedies, by 7pm when I was supposed to go to a Tupperware party I was feeling so bad I had to cancel. (the paint fumes probably didn't help much) Monday night found out some info that kept me awake and gave me a restless nights sleep, so I ended dozing until 12pm, came home and went back for more sleep from 2-4. This is insane for me. I then went to my sisters and felt tired but we watched half of the bucket list and I read until 1:15, and had a weird sleep cause the baby wakes up at 4:30 (I spent the night there so I can take baby home while my sister works) then I came home around 10, laid down at 11 and got up at quarter to 2. I've been doing a lot of praying and crying out to God, to show me his ways and plans for me. His future, because with this illness, I've been really depressed. (my own fault) but it's been hard on the brain. I can't get the energy or motivation to get my room organized. So I will probably have to change locations for the clothing swap. On top of all this, I have to go to talk to my boss at work, about the job. I have a small reason to wonder, but it's nerve racking.

The bathroom is painted. Well the new green is up, but now I need to sand the blue and repaint parts of it. I am so tired of painting and waiting. I just want to move everything out and only put back the good stuff. :( wahhhhhhh
Oh yes I hung up my new curtain rod for the divider for my room. Now I need to go sew the curtain..

Alright, I think as soon as I hit post I shall go sand so I can more painting.

Monday, June 16

Lazy Weekend

Father's Day was a lovely day of boating.

We went out to Ackerman point on the Kalum River and then we boated over to the Hart Farm for old times sake, it was a blast. We roasted smokies and made the dad's open gifts. I can't find my camera.. so no pics.

It was late when we finally made it home, I didn't remember until this morning that I was supposed to meet with someone last night. oops.
So off I rushed this morning to meet and tour the house I shall be staying at. Dinner parties anyone??
I must get my room organized. UGH. I only have 4 days to finish it because I might be working this weekend. (who knows lately) and I'm hosting a clothing swap on Sunday.. What was I thinking..

So far I've gotten one coat of green paint on the bathroom walls. I need to do a second coat in a few hours and sand some spots and re paint the blue sides.

I think for now I am going to file a lot of loose paper and figure out what area of my chaos to clean out, and hopefully not take a nap today.

I woke up so sick this morning. But I think I chased it off.

Till next time.

Saturday, June 14

tent + friends + Red Sand Lake=camping!

I was bumped again at work.
But this time it was best that could've happened.
I was on Msn knowing I should be getting ready for dinner when Carl came on, and we started talking about camping, and I told him I didn't have to work. So we made instant plans to head out to Red Sand lake. at 5:15 I found out dinner was postponed, so I met Carl at the Rez gas station and we trekked out through the pouring rain. Finally made it down the deactivated logging road and it's sunny!!

We had the greatest time, and last night Marc and Matt came out and brought a quad and they let me rip around on it :)
Needless to say I didn't get the bathroom painted or payroll done, but I did make some great memories and learned a new card game, which I lost 4 times in a row. But I did kick all the guys butts at Golf :)

So now I gotta get moving because I have plans to watch the Matrix tonight and dad said he would help me fix the payroll. So the poor guys can get their pay cheques..
I am soo tired, my arms are weak and shaky, maybe I should go find food :)

Oh and I didn't take one photo. Don't know where my camera is. But I did see an amazing rainbow about about 4 bears.

Wednesday, June 11

Whew.. That day is done.

Yesterday was craziness. I met two friends at the airport, both did not recognize me. Which brought great amusement to me. I guess that's what happens when you do your hair and put on nice clothes. It was well worth it.

Dentist appointments, My hygienist was an angel and she encouraged me a lot in my relationship by sharing about hers.

I had my acrylic nails taken off, and then went to the optometrist to get my contact lenses checked out.

So I'm getting a whole year's supply which will probably last me until I need to get a new prescription.

Then I picked up some pears and sour cream, to whip up Pear Pie, (I hate pears, but love this pie) I had to make the crust because I forgot that it graham cracker crust.
I made two casserole dishes and a pie dish full.
The kids took one to school for lunch today, we've been nibbling away at the other. The third one was delivered to a friend who reported that it was great!

There is something so satisfying about baking/cooking and letting it bless people. The pastor's wife shared on this tonight. That she gets to serve God's people. I feel the same way.
Although as much as I don't like all the women jokes and what not I am very traditional in my thinking.

Monday, June 9

Blog Your Face Contest

This was stolen straight from: Chic Critique. I participated in their blog your face and had such a great time I thought I would host one so that all you guys could participate. So the deadline is next Sunday, June 15th by 8 pm PST. The Prize? Some BeautiControl Moisturizer and the rest will be a surprise. (or posted as soon as I figure it out)

BLOG YOUR FACE on YOUR blog, and leave a link in my comments, I will draw the name of one lucky blogger to win a neat prize and announce her (I'm assuming it'll be a her. I suppose anything could happen, though!) on Monday (June 16th).

Your post should include a minimum of the following (although please feel free to give us more, more, more, if you dare!)

  1. a picture of your face, bare naked, unmade-up and fresh as a daisy
  2. a list of the skin care and make-up products you use daily, with brand names and colors/shades
  3. an "after" shot of your face all prettied up

Sunday, June 8


So Where is everyone?? I know it's nice out. and I don't always leave a comment either, but I can tell that almost 50 ppl look at my other post.. and only 14 of you left anything.

Heather wrote a great post about this.

She really sums it up.

So does Beth

Thanks for letting me air my pet peeve of the day!

Saturday, June 7

Warning Dirty confessions ahead.

  • I hate messiness
  • I lived in a constant state of it for a year
  • I love organized clean stuff. rooms, offices, yards. It's an obsession. I love pretty looking things. That means if it's clean and well made it's Pretty. Dragon boy never could wrap his mind around it.
  • Save on Foods appeals to me because it's green. (I'm all about green, in every sense)
  • My room inspiration came subconsciously from the youth room I helped paint :D
  • The husband has heavily influenced me in my design thinking, I love all zen/Japanese style things now.
  • I am OCD about love color. I am not artistic but I am creative
  • I want to paint my "dream" house a funky color just so that when's gray and raining my house will light up the street and even maybe make the neighbors complain, I want it to be a beacon of hope and light. A safe place for people to hide in when they need it.
  • I am taking a small break from cleaning and purging my closet.
  • Which is a huge and full of clothes. I HAVE SO MANY THINGS!
  • I love most of them dearly I have packed them with me for more then 12 yrs. (Not that I've moved a lot. But I still have and wear dresses from the first grownup road trip with Penny. (this was 10 yrs ago this summer, I FEEL OLD)
  • I might even do a photo post of all this eventually.
  • But above all else. I never have people over because I could never get the yard and house organized looking. ( I am ashamed of this. but it's deep rooted and eons in the making.) So on June 22 I invite all the women to come over and visit.
  1. To swap clothes, laughs and hugs
  2. to see my new and improved room
  3. to give me a deadline to get my butt moving
I love you all. Now back to work!

ps the only reason I am home today is cause the dingdongs men at work bumped me.

Everyone say Hi to Laurie who commented for the first time a few days ago! Yea!!

Thursday, June 5

My face.

and make up routine. laugh if you must. Until I win! I found this on Heathers blog and loved it. So instead of doing more laundry I did myself up. I am living by this motto, "When going to war, be prepared. Right down to the war paint!"
No make up.

First step. Clean and spritz

all the products. Body shop Vit E cream, and foundation, CG black mascara, BS blush, Clinque Eyeshadow, under eye orange stuff body shop. Arbonne eye cream.

After spritzing with the special stuff on the right in the photo (name escapes me right now) Then moisturizing and putting body shop powder on, now I am trying to hide the dark circles (sorry this was posted as no make up before. My bad)
The Make up Bag!
Eyeshadow application.. :D

The final results.. Personally I am blown away by the transformation. NOW I GOTTA RUN.. going to be late for a wheel alignment.

PS How do you like my model pose?? :D (totally not on purpose)

Edited: How I turned it into the punk rock princess for Rock band tonight!
I found a head scarf, added more dark eye liner, skirt and AcDc t shirt, my $100 heels, with some shiny accessories. All set to have a blast. Which I did. I even sang and it did not suck. :D

One again horrible green wall.

Wednesday, June 4

Inspirational words!

Memory, Imagination, and a Passion for Glory

Faith looks back and draws courage; hope looks ahead and keeps desire alive. And meantime? In the meantime we need one more item for our journey. To appreciate what it may be, we have to step back and ask, what is all this for? The resurrection of our heart, the discovery of our role in the Larger Story, entering into the Sacred Romance—why do we pursue these things? If we say we seek all of this for our own sake, we’re right back where we started: lost in our own story. Jesus said that when a person lives merely to preserve his life, he eventually loses it altogether. Rather, he said, give your life away and discover life as it was always meant to be. “Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self ” (Matt. 16:25, The Message). Self-preservation, the theme of every small story, is so deeply wrong because it violates the Trinity, whose members live to bring glory to the others. The road we travel will take us into the battle to restore beauty in all things, chief among them the hearts of those we know. We grow in glory so that we might assist others in doing so; we give our glory to increase theirs. In order to fulfill the purpose of our journey, we will need a passion to increase glory; we will need love.

Memory, imagination, and a passion for glory—these we must keep close at hand if we are to see the journey to its end. But the road is not entirely rough. There are oases along the way. It would be a dreadful mistake to assume that our Beloved is only waiting for us at the end of the road. Our communion with him sustains us along our path.

(The Sacred Romance , 158)

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Tuesday, June 3

Where I spent the weekend

This is what I did for the most amazing weekend!!

I've started a second blog for the purging of my soul. So that I don't have to worry about what people will think of me.

I am offering to allow people to read it, after signing away your rights if they can love me in spite of the fact I am human, and make mistakes. Just leave a comment and I shall email you a link :)

Monday, June 2

SCATTERGORIES meme's harder than it looks! Erase my answers, enter yours, and use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They have to be real places, names, things. Nothing made up! Use different answers if the person in front of you had the same first initial. You cannot use your name for the boy/girl name question.




TV SHOW: Darcy's


BOY'S NAME: Derrick

CITY: Dallas



FOOD: Danish *edited.. Mushrooms are not a D food. (thanks Mel)

SOMETHING FOUND IN A BATHROOM: Dental Hygenie(?) products

REASON FOR BEING LATE: Dirty clothes, had to be washed :)


I totally have Dentist on the brain.. Must be stressed about my possible root canal.. AUGH..

This was my fave game growing up :)

So Tag your it. Comment so I can read yours!

This Polaroid post sums me up today.

Sunday, June 1

Wound up tighter then a spring.

Warning: Random Post!

So I have been totally slacking, but nobody is leaving their complaints yet.

So I don't feel too bad. Yet.

When ever the sun is shining in hilly billy town, you can find me outside.

So I must get a laptop with wireless soon so I can sun tan and write :)

(or at least that's a good way to justify spending more money :D)

So where I do start.

Had an amazing weekend camping, more fun then I expected..

Only had to work one day this weekend!! (after the explosion last weekend, it was a good thing)

My dad is stressing me out.

Parents veto the buying a truck idea :S

Might buy a motorcycle instead!

Wish that my husband was here to snuggle with..

Get to babysit the niece tomorrow.. dreading and looking forward to this.

Promise to post photos sometime this week.
